
Submiting dates by email

rschling 11 May, 2011
First of all..awesome work on the forms

i really do like them and they are powerful and easy to use!and i just downloaded them a couple hours ago.

i stumbled on the datepicker issue and tried make the date formatting bug to go away but haven't succeded yet.My issue actually is minor as the datetime boxes work fine, the only issue is i submit those dates by email and i get them in Y,m,d and time format.I just need the date mailed like it appears in the form d-m-Y.

Isnt there maybe any way to just copy the dates from the input boxes (as by just copying they retain the d-m-Y format) and somehow move them into the mail template?

i am sure there will be a proper solution to solve the datepicker class format issue soon,but would be cool to just get a temporary workaround.

another small issue or bug i have is when i make the validation required for the datetime boxes.If they are empty the validation error message just aligns all the way left or sometimes even out of view,while all other validation error messages align nicely on top of the missing field.Is this issue also related to the whole datepicker bug or am i maybe doing something wrong?

thank you for any feedback in advance

GreyHead 12 May, 2011
Hi Richard,

There are a string of bug-fixes for the CFv4 Date picker in the Bug fixes sticky thread in this forum; and there is a second sticky thread with some Date picker configuration settings. I think that you need the inputOutputFormat setting.

rschling 12 May, 2011
thank you

i had tried those fixes before but must have done something wrong..retried again and it works now

just another quick question

i am looking desperately for the date extra box to input "classes: ['dashboard'], direction: 0.5" which was talked about in another topic

i must be stupid because i just cannot find that box anywhere

GreyHead 12 May, 2011
Hi Richard,

That was a feature of the DatePicker used in ChronoForms v3

I think you can get the same effect with the startDate & endDate options for the new DatePicker.

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