
Credit card number is required error with

jordanroher 10 May, 2011
I'm getting the error "(TESTMODE) Credit card number is required" with the form submission event. I've very carefully typed in {credit_card_number} into the Card's number field in the event configuration, but no matter what I actually enter in the credit card field, I always get that error. The API and Transaction key are correct, ChronoEngine is set to TESTING: NO, but it never works.

What could I be doing wrong?
jordanroher 12 May, 2011
Not sure why I thought the curly braces were required. That's been corrected, but now I'm on to the mysterious "The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider" error.
GreyHead 12 May, 2011
Hi jordanroher ,

From a quick Google it looks like the answer is to call your Merchant Service Provider.

jordanroher 12 May, 2011
Yep, is on it. Thanks, Bob. Once I get this ironed out I'll be buying a 3 domain subscription + plugin.
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