
Form wizard menus inacessable and can't drag elements

emailmyform 10 May, 2011
Hi there. Just installed chronoforms v4-after uninstalling a previous version.But for some reason I can't access any of the tabs of the wizard, nor can I drag any elements in to the "drop" section. Any Idea why this might be? thanks.
GreyHead 10 May, 2011
Hi emailmyform,

ChronoForms v4 requires that the MooTools Upgrade Plug-in in Joomla! is enabled. The plug-in is installed with Joomla! versions 1.5.19 (or 1.5.20?) and later.

emailmyform 10 May, 2011
Thanks Bob, I installed the mootools updater plugin, but I still can't create a form. any other possibilities?
GreyHead 10 May, 2011
Hi emailmyform,

Not obviously; if all matches up then it should run OK.

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 10 May, 2011
Hi emailmyform,

Your version of the plug-in has a parameter box that I haven't seen before that lets you choose the MooTools version to be loaded. Currently it's set to MooTools 1.2 (see the image) . . . but it doesn't appear to be working as the site is still loading 1.12 in both the front and back-ends.

I'm really not sure what is happening here. I'd suggest that you upgrade the site to 1.5.23 and see if that fixes the issue???


PS I installed exTplorer, a free extension, to look at the Plug-in code - which seems OK. Please feel free to keep i tor remove it.
emailmyform 10 May, 2011
So I upgraded the 1.5 version, and now I can create the forms.. Only issue I'm having now is that a 404 not found comes up on submiting a contact message from the website, and it isn't mailing the email. Any chance you could take another quick look?
GreyHead 13 May, 2011
Hi emailmyform,

I don't get a 404 message but I do notice that you have the MooTools UpgradePlugin disabled so I can't see the Form settings in the Admin area.

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