
Multi Language not working

chucho 09 May, 2011
Hi I setup my form similar to the tutorial I followed step by step and it is not workin I used the names from my labels for en-GB and es-ES I haven't done the option values or form headers h1 yet could that be the problem? I have community builder installed and params enabled so users can choose their front end language uopn registration I have the community builder registration form on the front page but don't have a way to change the homepage registration form language to spanish on demand yet could that make a difference with this issue? I also have colons : after each label in my original form code do I need to remove them before adding the language plugin Here is my spanish translation code

PLEASE CHOOSE A CATEGORY=Por favor escoja una categoría
PLEASE CHOOSE A TIME TO ACCOMPLISH THIS GOAL=Por favor escoja el tiempo en el cual desea cumplir esta meta
HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED THIS GOAL=Has completado esta meta?
SEND A SELF REMINDER TO YOUR EMAIL=Envíe un recordatorio a su correo electrónico
EMAIL ADDRESS=Correo electrónico

Thanks for all your help
Julio (Chucho)
GreyHead 09 May, 2011
Hi Julio,

Please check that the plug-in is enabled on the form Plug-ins tab. A **green** bar is enabled and red is disabled. Please only enable the plug-ins you are actually using otherwise they may interfere with each other. Also check the plug-in order to make sure that makes sense -- you can drag the bars to change the order.

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