
how to filled a field automatically ?

dangee 08 May, 2011
Hello everyone,

i have created a simple form with name, surname, address, postcode and city.

I'd like the city field to be filled automaticaly when the postcode is chosen. Is it possible ?

I guess I need a bit of javascript code here, but don't know how to do it... :?

Thank You !

ps : I have all the datas needed in a database called "codes".
GreyHead 08 May, 2011
Hi dangee,

It does take a bit of coding. I have written up a How-to document that you can buy for a few dollars here

dangee 08 May, 2011
thx GreyHead for your quick reply,

Before buying this 3$ how toπŸ˜‰, I just need to be sure I will find what I need in it. Is it a step by step guide as I am not an advanced programmer πŸ™„
GreyHead 08 May, 2011
Hi dangee,

Then you will probably need to find a more experienced programmer to help you with this.

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