
getting confimation page to work

Mark1983 07 May, 2011
I’m new at HMTL and PHP and trying to get the confirmation page working. When I push the submit button it goes straight to the thank you page and sends the email so I know that parts working. Is there any tutorial on this or can you at least check my PHP and see if its written correctly. I have 1 name field & a submit button just to test it and get it working. I have also changed the field name to be name.

$name = $_POST['name'];

echo "{name}";

Any help is appreciated, Thanks!!!
GreyHead 07 May, 2011
Hi mark1983,

Please check that the plug-in is enabled on the form Plug-ins tab. A **green** bar is enabled and red is disabled. Please only enable the plug-ins you are actually using otherwise they may interfere with each other. Also check the plug-in order to make sure that makes sense -- you can drag the bars to change the order.

Mark1983 08 May, 2011
Thanks Bob, that worked!
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