
Newbie: Chronoforms_J1.6_V4_RC1.8 - Redirect

dimps1 07 May, 2011
Using the Easy Form Wizard,I would like to redirect to another existing page after submission. Please can you tell me where to do this, and if I need to insert code: what code?

Everything else works just fine.

Sorry for being dumb, I've looked all over and can't find this.
GreyHead 07 May, 2011
Hi dimps1,

I think that here should be a Re Direct User action in CFv4 RC 1.8. Do you have this? If so drag it over to the OnSubmit Event box.

dimps1 07 May, 2011
Aha, found it!

In case anyone else stumbles over this post:

I was in Edit in Advanced Mode. I looked 'real hard' at the page, and discovered Edit in Easy Mode. Under drag; go to Actions. There's a pile of other stuff you can do as well.

I need to add that I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to find an easy-to-use form builder with file uploading capabilities. I have no PHP but do have CSS and HTML skills. I eventually narrowed my search down to 3 possibilities that did not involve silly expenses. Then I moved to Joomla 1.6. I spent a week trying to help one developer debug his forms only to find out that none of this was applied to Joomla 1.6 version and there were new issues - basic sloppy coding. The second option is not yet available in 1.6, and got tired of reading "soon".

I was a bit scared of Chronoforms to start with, but this is what I should have started out with, in the first place. I would have saved myself a lot of time.

It’s easy to use for newbies, with very powerful options if you know what you are doing. The css is also easy to modify.

Thanks for a great app. I’ll go pay you some money now, so you can buy yourself a beer.
dimps1 07 May, 2011

The only thing I could still ask for is some documentation. This version seems to be very different to the older versions.
GreyHead 07 May, 2011
Hi dimps1,

Just for clarifiction - although the link above the form says "Edit in Easy Mode" you are actually in Advanced mode - the link is telling you that you can switch to the other mode :-(

Hopefully we'll start to get some documentation together shortly. The last month or so has been incredibly busy on the forums here with new releases for Joomla! 1.5 and 1.6 and quite a bit of bug-hunting. The dust is starting to settle now - I'm sure that Max (the developer) will make some more releases but they should require less new learning than the earlier ones.

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