Hi, First of all I must say I just love your software even before actually using it. Kudos to all the developers, testers and technical support staff. I have a problem with the form wizard in step 2, i.e e-mail settings and enabling. I just cannot enable emails. My wizard (step 2, email settings) does not turn green even with the mandatory 4 fields (To, Subject, From Name and Fromemail) added. I have even set the "Email the results" under the General tab to "Yes" and have also published the form. All it says on the Forms page for this form is Enabled 0 and Disabled 4. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Not able to enable/set email id's using wizard, remains red.
Hi slsubash,
Enabled 0 and Disabled 4
This sounds as though you are putting the four 'mandatory fields' in separate Email Setups, they all need to go into the same setup.Bob
Thanks for the superfast reply. I did read that your responses where superlative. As for my emails, there are only two i.e The To and the Fromemail, the others are Subject and From Name. I created all four in the same form only. Any further advice as to how to make the box green.
Hi slsubash,
They need to be in the same setup still. See the image below.
They need to be in the same setup still. See the image below.
Hi slubash,
Hmmm . . . no it isn't what you did.
Mine are all in the **same** box, each of your is in a separate box.
Hmmm . . . no it isn't what you did.
Mine are all in the **same** box, each of your is in a separate box.
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