Have a problem with a form.
For security reasons, I updated the joomla system and some components, I have also changed the database prefix.
I used the chrono forms 3.0, everything worked fine, updated the chrono forms to 3.2.0.
My question? Could it be a problem if you change the database prefix.
And, I only have red boxes in the setup email, they do not want to be green, something does not seem to be writable??? Can not create new forms with email setup, everything is just red ...http://www.locusmedicus.se/Jobba-med-oss also have a devsite:http://locus.webbsiten.se/component/option,com_chronocontact/Itemid,78/

I can create a user, if you want to check on, ( http://locus.webbsiten.se )
Best Uffe, [email]ulf@sigra.se[/email]
Have a problem with a form.
For security reasons, I updated the joomla system and some components, I have also changed the database prefix.
I used the chrono forms 3.0, everything worked fine, updated the chrono forms to 3.2.0.
My question? Could it be a problem if you change the database prefix.
And, I only have red boxes in the setup email, they do not want to be green, something does not seem to be writable??? Can not create new forms with email setup, everything is just red ...http://www.locusmedicus.se/Jobba-med-oss also have a devsite:http://locus.webbsiten.se/component/option,com_chronocontact/Itemid,78/

I can create a user, if you want to check on, ( http://locus.webbsiten.se )
Best Uffe, [email]ulf@sigra.se[/email]