
Form just disappears

realtea 04 May, 2011
I made a form, saved it, its listed in the form manager, but when i click the link to preview it says:

There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management

I see it when i view html, but no joomla is not recognizing it.

So my question is, how do you save a form so it does not disappear and erase all of my hard work?
I've read your how to's and there all it covers is saving your form, which I did properly.

GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi realtea,

Did you give the form a name? If so, what is it?

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

realtea 05 May, 2011
The site is offline and being developed still. I can pm you login details.

I must say, this comp has a lot of features, but VERY complicated. Most complicated comp i've used thus far. I've been using Joomla for years and first comp that i couldn't get to work. Just saying, some could be attributed to me.

Thanks for the help.
GreyHead 05 May, 2011
Hi realtea,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

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