
Starnge emails

MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011
Hello guys,

Lately i am receiving quotes from chronoforms, which contain this:

Name: {Name}
E-Mail: {Email}
Message: {Message}

You can say that is bot or something, but in the field email i have set it as email, and you must enter a valid email for the form to be submittedface-meh-blank
Moreover, the chronoforms module works in the other pages of my site, but in the homepage when it get i submit a form it redirects me to a 404 page, while i have said correct redirect page in the redirect field.. and the same module works in other pages..

These are the last problem i need to fix, and then i am ready to buy a license🙂

GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi artemis,

I still think it's a bot - but a bot with JavScript disabled. Add Serverside validation to block these.

Don't know about the home-page problem though :-(

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011
Hello mate,

Yea i added chrono security but the image didn't worked properly and i didn't have time to fix it, but i make sure to enable it. The site is , if you need any admin access, please inform me to pm you.

Thanks for your support,
MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011
Btw just some notes i forgot to add is that i have SEO enabled and use of Apache mod_rewrite if that plays any role.
MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011
Okk, sorry for double post but i am back with some idea... Before a few days, while the forms were working perfectly, i added Admin Tools, and used its table fix etc, i think that it may caused the problem, so i am going to unistall it and make a fresh install of chronoforms and see how it goes.

I will keep you informed🙂
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi MrCodexCY,

The 404 Error appears to relate to this url
Is there an article with id=99?

MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011
Hello Bob,

OK some weird things happen man and i want your assistance if you are able to help... Yes the article exist and if you scroll down you will see it, but the thing is that before 2 days the 404 error page was showing ONLY the article, and now without doing any big change, all frontpage is shown in the 404 error pageface-meh-blank also when i am trying to frontview a form, all the other stuff in the frontpage show up, which didint before 2 daysface-meh-blank I can't remember changing anything, but i will search and give you all info i get. Btw, regarding the error page, i already thought it may be the problem, but i removed the error.php, and still got joomla error page.

Btw the page not found happens in this URL:
(I have disable the error page, so you can try submit a form again and see the error from your pc)
Last thing, you can go in another page of the site, and make a submit from there, and you will see that it works and redirect you to a correct thanks page.

GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi MrCodexCY,

I think I can see what is happening: the ?task=submit is being attached to the Home Page URL and then you get a Component Not Found error. No idea how to fix it though :-(

reytercero 04 May, 2011
hi, its the problem... never works a form in the homepage(send 404 error NO COMPONENT FOUND). in all yes except home. please take a moment to fix this.

is good extension
MrCodexCY 04 May, 2011

OK i see, but what you mean attached, if you can explain a bit more i would really appreciate it, but the thing is that it worked for some times before i start getting the error..face-meh-blank And i found some sites who have it in the frontpage and it works fine, strange..

Btw is this error for all versions of chronoforms?
Last but not least, i dont know if it helps but i got this out of the debug mode:
  FROM `****_components`
  WHERE `option` = 'com_chronoforms'
  AND parent='0'
  AND admin_menu_link='option=com_chronoforms'

Thanks for your support so far,
GreyHead 07 May, 2011
Hi Artemis,

As far as I know this problem doesn't exist for any version of ChronoForms. It certainly isn't something that is frequently reported here. That suggests to me that is is particular to the way your site is set up :-(

The query you posted is exactly what I would expect to see when ChronoForms gets component info.

abeletsky 21 May, 2011
Hi, Bob,

I am using Joomla 1.6 and I have the same problem with the form on the home page. After the form submit I get a 404 error COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND.

The reason of that behaviour is a some kind of interference between a form action url and router code of the joomla code. Namely, the form html generator in
try to put "ItemID=xxx" query parameter in the action url if it exists in the original url. As far as I know in 1.6 branch it is always present there. So for home page we get the following url:

Then in the joomla core JRouter the following occured. _parseRawRoute function sees the "ItemId=xxx" parameter. So the our home page with parameters is no more home (default) page of the site but another one with given parameters. Also JRouter knows how to find all necessary parameters from "ItemId" only. But, look,
if (count($this->getVars()) == 1 || ( $app->getLanguageFilter() && count( $this->getVars()) == 2 )) {
--- it can do this only if the "ItemId" is THE ONLY parameter (or we have another one for language, but no more). But we in fact have TWO of them: "event=submit" is the second. So the JRouter decides that all other necessary parameters are present in the query. And, voila, we have no "option=component" part and get a 404 error page.

I incline to think that this is a JRouter flaw. I think it is better not to check "ItemId" is the only parameter but presence of the "option=" and other necessary parameters. But I am not sure about this because of possible side-effects in core may arise.

Another workaround is to remove ItemId from the action url completely. It is not good solution for all cases but for major of them it is.

Please let me know what you think we can do with that error.
GreyHead 22 May, 2011
Hi abeletsky,

Thanks for a very helpful post. I now understand why we are getting these problems.

Hopefully Max will be able to find a fix for the next release.

abeletsky 22 May, 2011
Hi, Bob,

I've just find another way to bypass the problem. You may try to put "event=submit" in the POST body by adding
<input type="hidden" name="event" value="submit" />
to the form. Unfortunately this way requires a deal of work in the code.

Thanks a lot for giving hope :-).

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