
ChronoForms/ChronoConnectivity crossover problem, part I

JavaJunkie 04 May, 2011

I have made a search form with ChronoForms and a result page with ChronoConnectivity. I also have a top menu (on position user3), a search menu to the left.

The search form and result page works as intended, display the correct result and all. However, when the result page is displayed, the top bar and the search menu disappears.

(Sorry about the Swedish :wink: )
The search page is linked to the search menu on the left.
The result isn't linked to any menu at all, i.e. the only way you can get to it is through the search page.
Is this relevant to my problem?
Any hints or tips on what to do?

Grateful for any help.
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi javajunkie,

Personally I'd put the search boxes into the ChronoConnectivity header which should remove this problem.

I'd guess that the menus disappear because the modules are only set for specific menu items. You could try adding an ItemId to the URL that calls the CC Listing???

JavaJunkie 04 May, 2011
Thank you for the rapid response🙂

OK, so does this mean that I should do the search page as a ChronoConnectivity page instead of a ChronoForms one?

About the menu items: I tried to add the result page to the search menu in order to get an itemId and...well, it works stylistically. But now the menu is populated with more items instead

For example

Search menu
- Go to search page
- Go to display page

which basically enables the user to go to the display page without specifying any search criteria.

Is the any way one could attach an itemId to an menu item but without displaying the item itself on the menu, i.e

Search menu
- Go to search page (assigned an itemId and displayed on-screen)
- Go to display page (assigned an itemId but hidden from the user)

The problem with the result page is that it is "hanging", it's only raison d'etre is to display the results after one or more search criteria has been specified. There's not really any point for the user to be able access the page otherwise, or is there?

Hi javajunkie,

Personally I'd put the search boxes into the ChronoConnectivity header which should remove this problem.

I'd guess that the menus disappear because the modules are only set for specific menu items. YOu could try adding an ItemId to the URL that calls the CC Listing???


GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi JavaJunkie,

OK, so does this mean that I should do the search page as a ChronoConnectivity page instead of a ChronoForms one?

In my opinion. yes.

I don't know much about menus but it is possible to create a 'hidden' menu that has items but isn't displayed on the page. That might be the answer to this problem. See this article from the Joomla! docs.

JavaJunkie 05 May, 2011
Thank you for your input.

I made a new CC page with the search function working properly. On the other hand, the layout is still messed up (menus not being displayed, etc.)
I added an itemID to the URL, as you suggested, in the browser window and it worked like a charm. So the question now is, how do I go about to get this behaviour when I click the 'Search' button? I couldn't find anywhere in the administrator interface where I could put the itemID, so I guess that means that I have to use JavaScript or PHP, yes?
GreyHead 07 May, 2011
Hi JavaJunkie,

It's been a few days and many posts and I've lost track. Where is the Search button that you want to add the cf_id too??

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