
Choosing e-mail addresses from a checkbox

dkulot 03 May, 2011

My colleague bought CronoForms Cookbook, and there is an example to choose e-mail according to radio button selected, but he want's to send e-mail according to selected check-boxes.

When i try this code, it only send to first check-box selected.

$check0 = JRequest::getString('check0', '', 'post');
$emails = array (
  'first' => '',
  'second' => '',
  'third' => '',  
  'forth' => ''
  'fifth' => ''
$email_to_use = $emails[$check0];
JRequest::setVar('email_to_use', $email_to_use);

if user select check-boxes: first and forth, i want to send form to first(at) and forth(at)

Thanks for help!
GreyHead 13 May, 2011
Hi dkulot,

If you have a checkbox array with names like check0, then it will return an array result (not a plain string). If you have 'Let ChronoForms handle arrays' set to 'Yes' then the array will be converted to a string for you.

You need to know exactly which result you are getting to process it correctly.

For an array:
// if the result is an array use this
$check0 = JRequest::getVar('check0', array(), 'post', 'array');
// if the result is a string use this
$check0 = JRequest::getString('check0', '', 'post');
$check0 = explode(',', $check0);
// then continue in both cases . . .
$emails = array (
  'first' => '',
  'second' => '',
  'third' => '', 
  'forth' => ''
  'fifth' => ''
$email_to_use = array();
foreach ( $check0 as $v ) {
  $email_to_use = $emails[$v];
$email_to_use = implode(',', $email_to_use);
JRequest::setVar('email_to_use', $email_to_use);

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