
Display database data on frontend

raygold 03 May, 2011
My chronoforms form is connect to a database table.
I'd like to display every user to add data to form in a joomla article.
Is there a way to display data that users have submitted in the form in joomla frontend article?
GreyHead 03 May, 2011
Hi raygold,

Yes, there is a submit_content form that you can download here for ChronoForms v3 and a Submit Article action for ChronoForms v4 (in the Utilities action group).

raygold 03 May, 2011
Thanks,I found and install submitcontent.cfbak.
I'd like to know if the "component" create a new joomla article every form submission
GreyHead 03 May, 2011
Hi raygold,

Yes I think so.

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