
Could Not Send Mail

temp2010 03 May, 2011
Hello all,

I just downloaded ChronoForms for joomla 1.6, and i am amazed by its powerful functions!😀
I am trying to create a feedback form where user could send the feedback to an e-mail address. Excuse me for being a newbie, when i finished creating the form, after click send, i got the following joomla error:😟

Could not instantiate mail function.

I think there might be two sources of error:
1. The joomla global configuration.
2. The wrong form creation method (since i just downloaded Chronoforms a few minutes ago)

However, since i am a beginner in joomla, i could not tell where the mistake is. I am running an intranet using joomla 1.6. The mail server configuration is as follows:

Mailer: PHP Mail
From email: [email][/email]
From Name: Joe
Sendmail Path: /usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP Authentication: No
SMTP Security: None
SMTP Port *: 25
SMTP Username:
SMTP Password:
SMTP Host: intranet.traill.local

By the way, the intranet is running on XAMPP server. Could anyone tell me what goes wrong in my setup. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
GreyHead 03 May, 2011
Hi temp2010,

If you are running on a XAMPP server then there probably is no mailserver on your site unless you have set up Mercury Mail. This means that the standard PHP Mail function won't work.

If your server is connected to the internet you can probably send through an SMTP server. Gamil is probably the easiest if you have a Gmail account. Or your ISP may allow you to connect through their server.

temp2010 04 May, 2011
Hello GreyHead,

Thanks so much for your reply!😀 According to your instrucion, i install the Mercury Mail Server in my XAMPP and get it running. And the "Could not instantiate mail" error is gone right away after the Mail Server is up running.😀 However, i didnt get any email in the reciver's mail box.😟 The followings are my form email setup.

To: [email][/email]
Subject: test
From Name: test
From email: [email][/email]

Is there anything wrong in my Form email setup? i choose [email][/email] as the domain name is localhost and "postmaster@localhost" is what i found in the php.ini.(i made a guess here, not sure it is correct or just a unclever guess).

Besides, after realizing the mail didnt go to the destination mailbox, i checked the Mercury Server records. And i found following errors.


<Mercury SMTP Client (End-to-end Version)>

11:57:26: processing job MO001E24
Temporary error 249 (temporary MX resolution error) resolving ''.


<Mercury SMTP Server>

Connection from, Wed May 04 11:57:11 2011
HELO TraillNBBenQ.traill.local
MAIL FROM:<postmaster@localhost>
DATA - 25 lines, 788 bytes.
0 sec. elapsed, connection closed Wed May 04 11:57:11 2011


I could not find the source of error since i am also new to the Mercury Mail Server, Could you help me to fix this problem? Many thanks in advance!😀
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi temp2010,

Sorry I know next to nothing about Mercury Mail. My best guess was that it isn't connected to a live mail server on the internet. It still needs to pass the mail on to someone out there to reach it's destination.

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