
Selected box dont collect values

sradug 02 May, 2011
Hello Bob
Thank you in advance for guiding me.
Can you let me know how to add a drop down menu-i think the settings in the wizard are for selected box-
with selected values
as of right now i've add a selected box , i can see the values but for some reason nothing gets sent to email
do i need to add any events to this?
ie like handle arrays for checkboxes?
my form is here,com_chronoforms/Itemid,401/
the problems is the song-menu
Thank you
To be honest with you i was looking for a tutorial on how to add checkboxes and selected box
Can't find it
Thank you again
GreyHead 02 May, 2011
Hi sradug,

A select box and a drop-down are the same thing.

Your form HTML looks OK and the value of Song should be in the email template provided that you have added {input_select_17} to it.

There are next to no tutorials for ChronoForms v4 yet I'm afraid.


PS You have ids that are numbers - I think that they are invalid and should technically start with a letter. This might cause you some problems.

PPS The validate 'required' on the drop-down will not work as there is no 'null' option i.e one with value=''
sradug 03 May, 2011

Bride and Groom Name = rew
Wedding Date = 2011-05-26 20:54:02
Ceremony location = fdsd
Reception Location = fdsa
Photography budget = 1212
Hours Nedded = 12
Number of Guests = 12121
Photography Needed = Bride Getting Ready,Portrait Session
Best Number Where You Can Be Reached = 3129283456
Your Email = email
Comments = sdeqaws

Submitted by

this is what i collect in mail
it seems to me that that field is not collected
not event the {...stuf}

myy settings are

any idea what am i doing wrong?
do i need to insert any events?
Bob thank you again,com_chronoforms/Itemid,401/
GreyHead 03 May, 2011
Hi sradug,

What do you have in the Email template please.

sradug 03 May, 2011

Bob i am checking right now the email settings and for some reason the collected field for songs is not there
i will add it right away and let you know.
I thought that the form will add it automatically
sradug 03 May, 2011
i ve add the line in the email template for teh required field and everything works
1. get in touch with bob!!!!- Thank you very much
2 chek your email template to see if the desired field was added to your form
to do this go to your form(v4) -wizard edit>events>email#1>Settings>template>you should see all your collected fields-check for the one that is missing-it's relatively easy to add if you know the input field from your form

good luck and thank you again bob for answering my questions and guiding me in the right direction.

Do you think that the form should have add automatically the missing fields?
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi sradug,

Do you think that the form should have add automatically the missing fields?

No, it's not that clever :-(

sradug 05 May, 2011
just so i understand
the form adds by default all the fields, but if edit the form and add for example another field, on save the form doe not add the new field.

Thank you for this

I am setting another form in joomla 1.6 and i saw that this time the form does not add any fields to collect or to output.
I almost send you another email asking why my form does not show up, but i opened up my joomla 1.5 form and i just add the events .
I will edit the email with the fields that i want.
This is just another way of saying thank you bob for watching over this great forum

Thank you
GreyHead 06 May, 2011
Hi sradu,

That's correct. ChronoForms has never been clever enough to adjust for edits to a form; the main difference is that ChronoForms v3 would try to create an Email template when an new Email Setup was created; while v4 leaves the template empty.

eddie_konczal 19 May, 2011
I am having a very similar problem - I have tried to set up a form that includes a select box. Everything in the form works except the select box. Below are the parameters of the select box, the email template, a link to the form, and results I get via email:

Select box settings:
Field Name: program_selection
Field ID: program_selection
Field Class: (blank)
Field title: program_selection
Label Text: Program Interested In (Graduate or Undergraduate):
Multiple: checked
Size: 3
Selected: (blank)
Show Empty: (blank)
Options: Graduate=Graduate
Instructions for users: Please indicate whether you are interested in the graduate or the undergraduate program.
Tooltip: (blank)
Required: checked

email template:
<h2><strong>Submission from General Inquiry Form</strong></h2>
<p>Name: {fullname} <br />
Email: {sender_email}<br />
Program Interested In: {program_selection}<br />
Comments: {comments}</p>

link to the form:

results I get via email:
Submission from General Inquiry Form
Name: Eddie Konczal
Email: [email][/email]
Program Interested In: {program_selection}
Comments: Hi there

Submitted by

Thanks for any help,
eddie_konczal 19 May, 2011
Additional: I tried setting this up as a "checkboxes group" and that doesn't work either.
GreyHead 19 May, 2011
Hi eddie_konczal ,

You need to add a Handle Arrays action (I think that's the correct name) to convert the array submitted by the form into a string for saving and emailing.

eddie_konczal 20 May, 2011
Thanks for the reply. I added the "Handle arrays" function to On Submit before Email. Something changed; I now get a blank instead of the {fieldname} in the results email. But I don't actually get the result. Here is the code of my form:
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="full_name_container_div">
    <label for="fullname">Full Name</label>
    <input id="fullname" maxlength="150" size="30" class=" validate['required','alpha']" title="Full Name" type="text" value="" name="fullname" />
    <div class="small-message">Please enter your first and last name</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="error-message-fullname"></div>
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="email_address_container_div">
    <label>Email Address</label>
    <input maxlength="150" size="30" class=" validate['required','email']" title="Email Address" type="text" value="" name="sender_email" />
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="error-message-sender_email"></div>
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_checkboxgroup" id="program_interested_in__container_div">
    <label for="program_interest">Program Interested In:</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="program_interest[][]" id="program_interest_graduate_program_" title="program_interest" value=""Graduate Program"" class="validate['group[1]']">
    <label for="program_interest_graduate_program_">Graduate Program</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="program_interest[][]" id="program_interest_undergraduate_program_" title="program_interest" value=""Undergraduate Program"" class="validate['group[1]']">
    <label for="program_interest_undergraduate_program_">Undergraduate Program</label>
    <div class="small-message">Please indicate which program you are interested in.</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="error-message-program_interest"></div>
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_textarea" id="comments_container_div">
    <textarea cols="45" rows="24" class="" title="" type="textarea" name="comments"></textarea>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="error-message-comments"></div>
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_submit" id="input_submit_5_container_div">
    <input name="input_submit_5" class="" value="Submit" type="submit" />
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="error-message-input_submit_5"></div>
eddie_konczal 20 May, 2011
additional - when I select both check boxes, I see the delimiter (but not the values)! So the form does know I made two selections.

Also, looking at the above code, I notice there are double brackets shown "[][]" but the fieldname only has one defined: program_interest[]
GreyHead 20 May, 2011
Hi eddie_konczal,

I'm a bit confused. This is CFv4?? In which case you don't have an OnSubmit Before Email box? You have just dragged the action into the OnSubmit event box?

It looks as though you have doubled [] in the Form HTML. These entries name="program_interest[][]" should be name="program_interest[]"
eddie_konczal 20 May, 2011
I have installed Chrono Forms 4.0 RC1.8

In Events, I have two green boxes: On Load and On Submit; See first screen shot:


I added Handle Arrays to On Submit and moved it above the Email action.

In the Checkbox Group settings - General, I only have entered the one set of brackets - see second screenshot:

I don't know why it's getting converted to two sets of brackets in the form.
GreyHead 20 May, 2011
Hi eddie_konczal,

Please remove the [] from the config box - I think ChronoForms is already adding a set.

eddie_konczal 20 May, 2011
I did that, and made one other change that fixed it! I had quotation marks around the values in Options in Checkbox Group config, but remove them:

Graduate Program=Graduate Program
Undergraduate Program=Undergraduate Program

Thanks for the help!

Cheers, Eddie
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