
CF v4 Submit-Button does not work..

hgbdesign 02 May, 2011

i have created a contactform in jommla 1.6.3 with CF v4 rc1.8. by using Easy Mode

The Problem now is, that the submit-button does not work, not even anything...

Does anybody know how i can work this out??

GreyHead 02 May, 2011
Hi hgbdesign,

Sounds as though there are validation errors on the form. Is that possible??

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

GreyHead 02 May, 2011

There is a JavaScript error on the page because the validavion file /components/com_chronoforms/js/formcheck/formcheck-yui.js is not being loaded.

Do you have some kind of file compressor or Google Ajax loader running on the site? If so please disable it and see if that fixes the error.

hgbdesign 02 May, 2011
There has been Gzip and Google Ajax active, your right 🤣

I have switch them all off now, but submit is still not working - perhaps should i reinstall CF?
GreyHead 03 May, 2011
Hi hgbdesign,

It looks to me as though it is now working OK?

hgbdesign 03 May, 2011

thats fact - i have deleted the form and set up a new one - and finally it works :o
Perhaps the installed Google Ajax has made the error, dont know - i have uninstalled it.
Next what i want do is test some little things with the Google-Plugin - because i think its usefull.

I will let you know my experiences!


Hans Bauer
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi Hans,

I've seen several problems recently with the Google Ajax plug-in. I think that the idea is good but it doesn't seem to reliably load all the requested files :-(

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