
Strange java issue - drag and drop not working

strak 01 May, 2011
Hi there - I used chronoforms on 4 other websites with no issue. I have had it running on this site with no issue as well but all of the sudden with my new template telineIV I am no longer able to use the wizard for dragging and dropping from the toolbox.

I can drag fields in but just the name appears in the form area - no fields appear to come across with the except of the name and at that, the field name can be positioned literally anywhere in the box... very strange.

I was using the standard ja_purity template previously and all was working so I reverted back to that template to test and still no love - I am guessing this is some sort of java issue. I had someone look at it for me but no luck. I am wondering if you have encountered this before and if there is a simple solution.
GreyHead 01 May, 2011
Hi strak,

It's a JavaScript conflict of some kind.

You probably have the MooTools Upgrade Plugin enabled. This is an optional plug-in that enables the MooTools 1.2 library on your site.

ChronoForms v3 (and many other Joomla! extensions) use the MooTools 1.1.2 library that is installed by default. The ChronoForms Wizard, and other back-end code will not run with the plugin enabled.

If you disable the plug-in then ChronoForms v3 should run correctly.

Note ChronoForms v4 requires MooTools 1.2 and need the plug-in enabled.

If you are using ChronoForms v3 and need MooTools 1.2 in the front-end of your site then there is a hack for the plug-in posted in the forums here that will enable the 1.2 library in the front-end only. However the ChronoForms validation code and some other features will not work with this version.

strak 07 Jun, 2011
Thanks Bob - I am in a conundrum now as I installed V4 and also have V3 on the site... I am working to transfer all forms from V3 to V4 now... pain in the butt but manageable. I appreciate the information...
GreyHead 07 Jun, 2011
Hi strak,

A workaround is to take a form backup from CFv3. You can open then in a text editor and copy and paste over the code blocks into CFv4 forms. Saves having to flip the MooTools Upgrade Plug-in all the time.

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