Could I make a suggestion that it be possible to drag events into and out of other events within the Events tab? When troubleshooting a form (or just getting used to V4 in the first place), I've wanted to move existing events into and out of other events. For events like the event loop, it's not a big deal, but it's cumbersome to have to copy-and-paste templates and retype the field information into email events, or to re-input validation fields.
I'm sure this is already on the list, but thought I'd suggest it just in case it's not.
While V4 is not as immediately-intuitive as earlier versions, it certainly is more powerful, and allows me (as a self-taught user) to do more complex things than I could before.
I'm sure this is already on the list, but thought I'd suggest it just in case it's not.
While V4 is not as immediately-intuitive as earlier versions, it certainly is more powerful, and allows me (as a self-taught user) to do more complex things than I could before.