
conditional dropdown

armanemadi 01 May, 2011
Hi , Sorry if my question seems to simple.
I search from before create this topic but i don't get my specific answer.

I want to create a from which have about 5 drop-down (comboBox) .
i want to create this form as like this in first dropdown user select cpu model.
in secede dropdowne user select mainbord . but this is important for me if use select cpu 1 in mainbord drop down he only can select main1 and main2 .

i want if then else in drop down . is it possible !!?
i know asp and recently migrate to php and don't know it good . can some one help me !!

tanks every body
GreyHead 01 May, 2011
Hi armanemadi ,

Please search here for 'double drop-down' there are several threads about them.

armanemadi 01 May, 2011

but according that i don't know php well where can i find step by step tutorial . can you explain me with an excample
GreyHead 01 May, 2011
Hi armanemadi ,

It is going to require some PHP & Joomla! knowledge to get a double-drop-down working.

There is a basic tutorial here and a link at the end to a second paid tutorial using Ajax.

The first tutorial has some bugs that are discussed in the forums which I why I suggested that you read those posts first.

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