
Login module in a form multipage

AleAste 29 Apr, 2011
Hi all,
i am doing the recruitment section. I have organised it with a multipage form, and in one of these pages I let user login or register. If he clicks on registration link, it opens a lightbox with the registration form and there are no problems. If he try to login, right or wrong data, when he clicks on login button user is redirected on a 404 page.
I'd like to know if is it possible insert the login in a multipage form or if it's not and I will always have 404.


GreyHead 02 May, 2011
Hi Francesco,

Is this the Joomla! login form or have you created a custom one?

I imagine that it's possible to use a custom login in a multi-page form - but I wouldn't recommend it as the multi-page data is held in the user session and logging in might damage this. I'm not certain about this - you'd need to test.

AleAste 10 May, 2011
Seen that if I load the login module I will have 404 page I have try 2 other ways:
1)i have inserted a button link to a light box where I load the login module but when I insert username and password and click Login it does nothing. Stay if there wasn't an action related to the login button.

2) I have tried to insert the username and password field, and when user try to go on in the form multipage, in the backend with a php code I control in the db if the data are correct or not.. but I don't know very well php language.

Do you have any idea of what can I do? If you want to see the page I can link it..
I'm going crazy.. I can't find a solution 😢
GreyHead 13 May, 2011
Hi AleAste ,

Sorry, I have no quick fixes here apart from debugging step by step to work out what is happening.

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