rowspan="1">I would like to receive your monthly e-mail tips offering proven effective ways to enhance my agency’s foster parent recruiting efforts. I understand these are free and there is no obligation whatsoever. Here is my information. Name size="40" maxlength="40" name="Name"> Title maxlength="25" size="25" name="Title"> Agency size="20" name="Agency"> E-Mail maxlength="40" size="40" name="Email"> align="undefined" valign="undefined"> style="height: 50px; width: 100px; color:black" value="Submit" name="Submit"/> echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];?>'>Here is the "on Submit Code":Thank you for entering your information.You will be signed up to receive E-mail tips."> Submit button submits and refreshes form - Forums


Submit button submits and refreshes form

farb 29 Apr, 2011
I have a one page website ( with the only page being the homepage. I created a form and used the module to publish it on the home page. The form shows correctly but when I click submit it does not take me to the "on Submit code" page. Instead it refreshes teh paeg. The information inf the form is being gathered because I am receiveing an email from Chronoforms with the information. PLEASE HELP. I need to have this running.

Here is the form's code:

<img style="float:right" width="365px" alt="Image Goes Here" src="images/tip_signup.jpg" />
style="width: 565px; height: 314px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td style="vertical-align: top;" colspan="2"
<!-- enter message here -->
<b>I would like to receive your monthly e-mail tips offering proven effective ways to enhance my agency’s foster parent recruiting efforts. I understand these are free and there is no obligation whatsoever.<br><br>
Here is my information.</b>
<!-- end message here -->
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined">Name</td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined"><input
size="40" maxlength="40" name="Name"></td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined">Title</td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined"><input
maxlength="25" size="25" name="Title"></td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined">Agency</td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined"><input
size="20" name="Agency"></td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined">E-Mail</td>
<td align="undefined" valign="undefined"><input
maxlength="40" size="40" name="Email"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="1"
align="undefined" valign="undefined"><input type="submit"
style="height: 50px; width: 100px; color:black" value="Submit"

<input readonly size="300" name="referer" type="hidden" value='

Here is the "on Submit Code":

<img style="float:right" width="365px" alt="Image Goes Here" src="images/tip_signup.jpg" />

<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Thank you for entering your information.<br>You will be signed up to receive E-mail tips.
GreyHead 02 May, 2011
Hi farb,

We've answered this in another thread.

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