
No Attachments in email sent after email verification succes

peacemaker 29 Apr, 2011

Users fill out a form and a validation email is sent to them. After successful validation I would like an email sent that includes an attachment the user uploaded on the original form.
I have verified that the file is uploaded and the name of the file is added to the database table.
However I am receiving this debug message after the attempt is made to send the attachment. input_school_upload is the name of the file upload field.

> $attachments: input_school_upload
> $attachments: Array ( [0] => input_school_upload )
> $v: input_school_upload

Thank you for your assistance,
Max_admin 29 Apr, 2011
Hello Peacemaker,

Yes, its not possible now to attach the files after the email verification, because the files array is reset, I will try to create a fix for that and you may contact me through the "Contact Us" page to get the patch file.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
peacemaker 02 May, 2011
Thank you very much,
I sent the 'Contact Us' Message.

djonpereira 20 May, 2011
I have this problem too... Even thought the file is uploaded i don't know how to sent it through the email response as an attachment. For what i read it's automatic if some options are enable like(upload files, enabled = true, form method=files), but the attachment is now include in the template. Is there anything missing for me or is there any patch needed?
GreyHead 20 May, 2011
Hi Joao,

Are you using ChronoForms v4? If so it's not automatic, you need to add the name of the file upload input(s) to the "Attachments fields name" box on the Email Configuration.

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