
How to save radio button and checkbox in database ?

laurentmartin 28 Apr, 2011
I use the wizard to create some form including checkbox and radiobutton.

How to store their value in the database with the connection since there is no ID for them ?

Thanks for your help

GreyHead 28 Apr, 2011
Hi laurentmartin,

Which version of ChronoForms is this?

ChronoForms uses the input names rather than ids and they all do have names. For checkbox arrays you will need to use one of the 'Handle Array' settings to convert the results into strings.

laurentmartin 29 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

Can you work an example to make it better understanding because i don't understand very well knowing that i want to use Chronoconnectivty to call back the data in a form for reading the data and doing editing.

Thanks for your help
laurentmartin 29 Apr, 2011
Can you explain what you call input names and how to handle with the array ?

laurentmartin 30 Apr, 2011
I finally found it using the Debug mode.
you need to get the name fo your checkbox by checking the array and puting the same name in the table.

Now i need to check if this can be edited and populated automatically when editing the data
GreyHead 30 Apr, 2011
Hi laurentmartin,

That will always do it; or you can look at the page source for the form by right clicking on the form in the browser; or use one of the sets of browser developer tools -- Chrome & IE have good ones built in and you can install the Web Developer Toolbar and/or FireBug in FireFox.

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