
Template Footer broken up on top of page

Rita 27 Apr, 2011
I am working on a site using a template (Joomlaplates Ja_Insurance) installed ChronoEngine for the form and the page with the form does not show as the rest of the site see example on following link:
I have installed and used ChronoForm for 2 years now and on this site I first installed the latest version for Joomla 1.5 and then a later version ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.0 - just to check and see if this made a difference - but no luck;
does anybody please know what I can do ? I should publish this site within tomorrow.😟

Appreciate any help
Rita 27 Apr, 2011
this is just to say that I have encountered this same problem also on another site I am working on:

this is a different template to the one in my previous post with Chronoform version ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.5 and unfortunately showning similar defects - i.e. the footer on top.

I am mainly using Explorer- but the same sort of problem also with Chrome and Firefox.

kind regards

Just a thought: is it possible that I have some Plugin that disturbs the layout ?
Guest 28 Apr, 2011
Has anyone solved this problem?

Me too, I have the same problem: whenever the form is longer than a certain lenght the footer goes on top!

I have no further components, plugins or modules installed, just template siteground-j15-23.

Please have a look at the screenshot.


Thanks in advance

GreyHead 29 Apr, 2011
Hi Rita,

I can't see any broken forms on the test8 site - all the links you have posted seem to be broken.

On the test7 site it looks to me as though you have two unclosed <div> tags and an unclosed <table> tag in the Form HTML. This will break the page layout.

GreyHead 29 Apr, 2011
Hi katiasolmi ,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

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