
If Then style validation

schnitz123 27 Apr, 2011

So couldn't find this anywhere but:

Say i have two related fields:
One asking a yes or no radio button question.
The second asking If you answered "yes" to the previous question then please provide details, text box.

How do i make the text box (2nd field) required only if the user chooses yes on the radio box field?

GreyHead 29 Apr, 2011
Hi schnitz123,

Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

If it's CFv3 then I've never worked out how to set a conditional validation so I wrote a whole tutorial using a different validation script. This is mainly for hiding whole chunks of a form but the underlying problem is the same.

If it's CFv4 then I don't know the answer yet.

milton.martinez 27 Mar, 2014
I'm using CFv5. Is it possible to do "If Then style validation"? The problem I have to solve is so similar to the first post (2 text boxes required only if the user chooses yes on the dropdown field
Thanks in advance
Max_admin 27 Mar, 2014
Hi Milton,

Please start a new topic with your question under the "Chronoforms bugs" section, I will then check what's necessary to do this!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
milton.martinez 27 Mar, 2014
Hi Max,

I started a new topic. It's "If Then style validation" under the "Chronoforms bugs" section.

Thanks in advance.
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