
Deleting a record from a table

Grizzled 26 Apr, 2011

I am trying to delete a record from a table before I export to excel.

But I am getting an mysql error.

Please see attached image.

Thanks, Chuck
GreyHead 27 Apr, 2011
Hi Grizzled,

I'm not sure but it looks as though the table wasn't created by ChronoForms and so doesn’t have a cf_id value to populate the check boxes. The error says that the cf_id array was empty.

Without checking the code I can't be sure that this is the problem but it seems likely.

GreyHead 27 Apr, 2011
Hi Chuck,

Since I posted Max has said in another thread that he's found a bug with the rear-end delete. Please see this thread as it may be the same problem.

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