
A few annoying problems

jarrod14 25 Apr, 2011

First off wonderful component guys!

Im having a few problems ill try and explain in as much detail.

First of all
My forms are not sending me emails.
I have currently 3 forms on the site i am making but none of them send me emails, they did when i just created them but not anymore! I havent changed anything at all.
I have done the email set up like this and followed the tutorials set by step.

To - [email][/email]
Subject - Enquiry
From name - Admin
From Email- [email][/email]

I have turned the debugger on and in the code it isnt stating my email address or telling me it has sent, please find below the code.

I can confirm that my site can send emails
I have set Anti_Spam / Image Verification to 'OFF'
And I can confirm that the email addresses and entries are all correct and coming from my domain.

Ok so second issue!
I am getting the You are not allowed to access this URL error when trying to visit the pages my forms are on.

I have tryed turning on/off checkToken: setting but it doesnt fix it.
In the form code there is no <form> </form> code which could cause a error.

Im abit stumped, Look forward to hearing some solutions!
Thanks in Advance

GreyHead 25 Apr, 2011
Hi jarrod14,

There's no mention of emails in the debug information so most likely they are disabled in the Email Setup Properties boxes.

For the "You are not allowed to access this URL" question, please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

jarrod14 25 Apr, 2011
Hi greyhead

Thankyou for your prompt response.

I can confirm that in the email property box's they are all enabled =S

Also the url problem happens intermittently.

I will post you my URL & user / password now.

jarrod14 25 Apr, 2011
Sorry forgot to say that the forms are located under

Contact Me
Hire me - Gdesign
Hire me - Wdesign
GreyHead 25 Apr, 2011
Hi jarrod14,

I don't know about the intermittent problem :-( I saw it once out of maybe 20 refreshes. Could be that the security code check still has a problem.

The email problem is because you are using the Confirmation Page plug-in to show a Thank you page. There is an old bug with the plug-in interfering with emails and other processing.

Put the Thank you page code into the OnSubmit After Email box instead and deactivate the plug-in and all should be well.

jarrod14 25 Apr, 2011
No problem!
Thanks heaps for your help, appreciate it!

GreyHead 06 Jun, 2011
Hi Anna,

Yes, that's the right place - it's called checkToken there.

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