
ChronoConnectivity list from an item in a ChronoConnectivity

Fashtas 25 Apr, 2011
I've looked around but can't see anything in the tutorials or forums.

I'd like to retrieve a ChronoConnectivity list of records when the user clicks on a record in a ChronoConnectivity list (of different records)

I've managed to call other tables from within a ChronoConnectivity page, and I guess it would just be a matter of a href link in the body with some use of $MyRow->cf_id for the unique ID, but not sure how to call a ChronoConnectivity page with a filter already on it (I guess a filter would be a best use, but I'd also like the page title to say something like "List of records for AAA", on the sub list)
GreyHead 25 Apr, 2011
Hi Fashtas,

You can pass the cf_id in the URL and then add code in the WHERE or header box to look up the information that you need from the database. If you look it up in the WHERE box you can set a global variable (or several) to make the title available in the Header box.

Fashtas 26 Apr, 2011

Sorry about that question, I'd spent so long clicking on stuff in your GUI that I'd forgotten these are PHP forms!!!

Works great, some PHP passing $MyRow->cf_id in an <a href>, a $GET in the WHERE section of the second connectivity list, and globals to note the fact in the <h1>

Thanks for a reply!
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