
Create form master - detail (invoice-detail of invoice)

masuagt 23 Apr, 2011
I would to make an invoice so you have the header information (fields like date, number of invoice (primary_id), customer_id, description etc.) And then you have a detaill of the invoice... like the number of invoice (foreign key), product_id, description of the product, unit,
price etc. So I was thinking that I can create a form for the header information in one
table but the information for the invoice_detail in another table(detail_table) I need to pass the primary_id to link transacction and save the information to the detail table. The main idea is to make this but very user friendly and easy to add a new transacction, if anyone can help please.
I know that we can do this ChronoForms v4.

GreyHead 24 Apr, 2011
Hi masuagt,

I'm sure that you an do this in CFv4 but I haven't tried and would need to work through it step by step to work it out. Max has added some nice DB actions in CFv4 that should be helpful.

I'd suggest that you experiment with a very simple version to see what is needed.

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