
[SOLVED]How to create a folder?

lopezio 22 Apr, 2011
I try this code:

echo $pasta;
!JFolder::create($searchpath . DS . $pasta) ;

I wrote this code On server Side Validation but had no luck, no errors, nothing.

echo $pasta 

works fine and shows the value os $pasta
What I'm doing wrong?
Thank you
GreyHead 22 Apr, 2011
Hi Lopezio,

Which version of ChronoForms and Joomla! are you using?

And what exactly do you need to do?

lopezio 22 Apr, 2011
Hi friend
Version joomla 1.5
Chronoforms 3.2
I need to create a folder with one session varible
lopezio 22 Apr, 2011
It works with this code and is enough for me

!JFolder::create('C:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\joomla\uploads\Grupo1'.DS.$pasta) ;

btw I wrote this code in formcode after send emails
GreyHead 23 Apr, 2011
Hi lopezio,

Great, good to see that you;ve found something that does what you need.

If you need custom folders of file names for ChronoForms v3 then there is a document you can get for a few dollars here that gives you a couple of ways of setting dynamic file and folder names that will be used in the file uplaod process.

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