
link to form points to login page

katandmouse 21 Apr, 2011
Not sure whose fault this is - the template, joomla, or Chrono form. I have a module with 2 links to 2 different Chrono forms in it. The link is correct in the source code but when the browser renders it, it CHANGES it and the links land you on a log in page with the error, "You must be logged in to see it." If you look at the source in the browser, you can see that the urls there are different than the ones in the menu under ORDER, but that is NOT how they are written in the source in the module itself.

I have another module with links to the exact some 2 forms in the same module. Those paths render correctly.

I even tried using 301 redirects to get urls redirected, but no matter what, they keep pointing to a login page.

You can see it here if you are quick. Because those links are broken, I have to take it down, so don't be surprised if you can't find it. The links in question are in the module in the left column (sidebar2) for request quote and request sample. There are links to both above in the breadcrumb position that work fine.

Nothing in this entire site is set to be behind a login, nothing! Why is it doing this?
GreyHead 21 Apr, 2011
Hi katandmouse,

Is it possible that the menus or the module are set to Registered members only?

There's nothing in ChronoForms itself that will do this.

katandmouse 21 Apr, 2011
Thanks for your reply, Bob. No, nothing is set for registered members only. I didn't think it was a Chrono problem, but I'm grasping at straws trying to find a solution. It's very bizarre to say the least.
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