
Chronoforms vs SEF Url for Joomla 1.6

alesbene 20 Apr, 2011
Hi everybody

I think I found a bug for Chronoform v.4: after installing it, I switched on the SEF Url option from Global Configuration panel in Joomla 1.6.
This caused wrong URL rewriting with pages pointing to nothing, so I looked for errors in Apache log files and I found the following:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in C:\WWW\vhost\miosito_Joomla\html\components\com_chronoforms\chrono_verification.php on line 101

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagettfbbox() in C:\WWW\vhost\miosito_Joomla\html\components\com_chronoforms\chrono_verification.php on line 40

Could you help me please, or must i resign to use other form generator?
Thanx in advance
GreyHead 20 Apr, 2011
Hi alesbene,

It sounds as though the PHP GD library isn't installed on your server. Normally it is installed by default but I believe some Linux versions don't include it.

Gernod 28 Apr, 2011
i think the GDLib errors are unrelated to this problem. I have the same behaviour but with installed GDLib an without any related entrys in my error.log.

GreyHead 28 Apr, 2011
HI Gernod,

Both the errors reported here are missing GC funtions so I'm pretty certain that it's a GD problem.

Exactly what appears to be broken in your installation?

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