I've created a quick contact form that I would like to place within a module in the header of my site. The form appears and functions perfectly when published in an article, but displays only the text "{chronocontact}QuickEnquiry{/chronocontact}" when published inside a module. Any thoughts?
Hi Ant,
I assume that this is ChronoForms v4? If so there isn't an official module yet - though I'm sure it will arrive before too long.
You may be able to find another module that supports plug-ins and will work with the ChronoForms plug-in to display your form.
Hi Ant,
Please use the ChronoForms module from the downloads area here.
The plugin v4 does work within a module in Joomla 1.6...sort of.
There seems to be a routing issue when using ANY form on the homepage of your site (in a module, within content or as a menu component). It sends you to a 404 page (see attached screenshot):
[attachment=0]Screen shot 2011-04-21 at 2.46.14 PM.png[/attachment]
I've noticed on all the forms I've created that the action parameter of the form element doesn't point to ChronoForms at all—a change from previous versions which used "?option=com_chronocontact...". Perhaps that has something to do with it?
I was able to work around it by placing a manual submit URL that points the form to a hidden menu item of the same form as a ChronoForm menu component. But this really should be addressed as it appears to be a larger issue.
Hi Bizzynate,
Sorry, I've no idea - I can't get the plug-in to display an article on any page :-(
Later: I got the plug-in working and can confirm the bug but still have no idea where to look for a fix.