
Form Within A Module

aforantman 19 Apr, 2011
I've created a quick contact form that I would like to place within a module in the header of my site. The form appears and functions perfectly when published in an article, but displays only the text "{chronocontact}QuickEnquiry{/chronocontact}" when published inside a module. Any thoughts?


GreyHead 19 Apr, 2011
Hi Ant,

I assume that this is ChronoForms v4? If so there isn't an official module yet - though I'm sure it will arrive before too long.

You may be able to find another module that supports plug-ins and will work with the ChronoForms plug-in to display your form.

aforantman 20 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,
We're using version 3.1 RC5.5, according to our Joomla install. Is there a specific module we should be using to display the form? It doesn't appear to work in the 'Custom HTML' module, or in the 'Joomla 1.5 HTML' module.

Here's the code we're using:

<div id="quick-quote" style="background-image: url(images/stories/BigBoysClub/generalSiteMedia/quickquote-bg.png); color: #ffffff; height: 145px; padding-top: 65px; width: 434px;">

Like I said, it works fine in an article, but just displays the "curly bracket" code when we put it inside a module.


GreyHead 21 Apr, 2011
Hi Ant,

Please use the ChronoForms module from the downloads area here.

bizzynate 21 Apr, 2011
The plugin v4 does work within a module in Joomla 1.6...sort of.

There seems to be a routing issue when using ANY form on the homepage of your site (in a module, within content or as a menu component). It sends you to a 404 page (see attached screenshot):

[attachment=0]Screen shot 2011-04-21 at 2.46.14 PM.png[/attachment]

I've noticed on all the forms I've created that the action parameter of the form element doesn't point to ChronoForms at all—a change from previous versions which used "?option=com_chronocontact...". Perhaps that has something to do with it?

I was able to work around it by placing a manual submit URL that points the form to a hidden menu item of the same form as a ChronoForm menu component. But this really should be addressed as it appears to be a larger issue.
GreyHead 22 Apr, 2011
Hi Bizzynate,

Sorry, I've no idea - I can't get the plug-in to display an article on any page :-(

Later: I got the plug-in working and can confirm the bug but still have no idea where to look for a fix.

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