
"X" bug in Firefox

rowby 18 Apr, 2011
In V4, in the Advanced Mode, when you are editing an individual field's properties, after you are finished you hit the APPLY button. No problem there.

However in Firefox the "X" to close the window goes off the top of the screen and you are unable to "X" out.

I suggest you either prevent the popup from being 100 percent height, or better yet, but the "X" lower on the box. Perhaps on the side, or on top and bottom -- so so that the "X" is is always visible.

I could see the "X" in Internet Explorer, but not in my version of Firefox 4.0

GreyHead 19 Apr, 2011
Hi Rowby,

From a quick check you need a viewport around 560px high to be sure that you can see the 'X'.

I'm not sure where the code is to set this to a different value is though :-(

Max_admin 21 Apr, 2011
Hi Rowby,

Thank you for reporting this, it's a default setting in the Squeezebox, I will try to change it though.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rowby 21 Apr, 2011
Good! Especially for first time users of V4 it can be confusing, because after you hit the "Apply" button you're kinda stuck there -- in Firefox. Since you can't see the "X", you have no idea what to do next!

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