
ChronoForm - modal submit form in parent window

Silvertiger 16 Apr, 2011
I am using Virtuemart, ProductBuilder and Chronoform to finalize orders. I have built the page properly to submit the VM data, and have made a Chronoform to submit the non VM data .. but when i make the ChronoForm Modal, I am unable to Submit the form on the parent page.

I have tried a few javascript parent.form.submit() methods, but nothing seems to communicate properly between this modal window and the parent page. Any ideas on how to add code to the Chronoform to submit the parent form before sending the email with additional data?


Silver Tiger
Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011
Hi Silvertiger,

I have never tried this before so I'm afraid that I can't help you.

But please check V4, since you can control it more, you can submit the form and store the whole form data into a session then load the session data later from the session and execute the submit actions through the URL, this is easy to do with the actions available there by default

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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