
Auto create Email Form results?

rowby 15 Apr, 2011

Having fun with the great new V4. Some very exciting new features. And I was pleased to see my suggestion (a reminder that the form name must not include underscores _ or dashes).

My question here is can V4 automatically create the form result emails. Version 3 could do that. You were given the option to create your own form result emails, but if not, then V3 would do that for you automatically.

In V4 I only see a manual creation of the form results. I am sure there must be a way to let V4 automatically create the form results....??? 😛

As is, I am getting blank emails with no form result content.

Can you clarify this for me?


Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011
Hi Rowby,

Unfortunately there is no auto creation option for email template in V4, maybe I will add this option in the future but I'm not sure really, it had its problems in the past as well, I have included a message by default in the new release which will instruct the user to create the template.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rowby 17 Apr, 2011
What might be helpful then would be either a wizard to create the email form result, or at least a list of the fields -- to help making the email results easier to create.

Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011
Thanks Rowby, I will think about something!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
wauters 18 Jun, 2011
Is there any progress on this?
Max_admin 20 Jun, 2011
Not yet, you can create your own template using the fields names inside curly brackets!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
needshelp 09 Aug, 2011
Dear Max, What's up, with this...? 😢,

Could it not be custom code to Handle Array event?

Better Question. How can I put a custom code to make the $_POST array data into an email. Although I just realized it wouldn't know what my label is unless it brought the label in from the actual form settings.
Max_admin 13 Aug, 2011

Good news, the feature has been added and working better than V3.2, coming in V4RC2.0, you should click the "generate auto template" button under the Email action settings though.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
millermulti 31 Aug, 2011
Thanks Max!
The auto generate saved me a ton of time on a couple large forms.
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