
cant save my form

jaem15 15 Apr, 2011
I have my site little to little almost finished. I have used 5 complex forms with this very good component.

Now i have a rare problem. When i try to save a new form i developing (i did it first in a local server) it shows this message.

You don't have permission to access /administrator/index2.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

It was a imported form, so i began a new one in my site copying from the local step by step. When i arrive to "form code", the html/php box, and try to save is when the error appear.

I dont know what to do i am lost ... ¿any idea? Please ...

thank you very much
jaem15 15 Apr, 2011
I could find out more about my problem ... i was adding blocks of code beginning by code with the fields then when i copy the code extra of the beginning i made for another things ...the error came out.

It happens when i include the sentence in the form code box of the form.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM jos_chronoforms_inscripciones5 where cf_user_id=".$id." and recordtime in (select max(recordtime) from jos_chronoforms_inscripciones5 where cf_user_id=".$id.")";

With this sentence in php i search if the actual user is in another table. In the next sentences i dont include yet i redirect if no results in the query to another page and the form finish without showing it.

It runs ok in my local server (XAMPP) but produces this error in the real server.

Do you understand? anybody can give me a clue?

Sorry about my english

Thank you
Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011

I think this is caused by a tight security rules on your web server, try to run your DB query as 2 SELECT statements and see if this makes any difference ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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