
Combine form fields into one field on submission

green_eye_boy_121 14 Apr, 2011
Hi There,

I need to combine the values of multiple fields on a form into a single hidden field in a form before it is submitted. Please can you point me in the right direction as to how to achieve this.

Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011

You may do this using the Javascript onSubmit function Or through PHP code after the submission:

$new_data = JRequest::getVar('field1').JRequest::getVar('field2').JRequest::getVar('field3');
JRequest::setVar('field_new', $new_data);

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
amirmoshe 22 Oct, 2012
Hey MAx thank for the answer is was very helpfull!

but when i'm trying this i have another problem,
can you please help me...

i want to change the price of a product regarding to a checkbox cheked or not, and also by droplist
and the code:


give the the output of the checkbox and not if it's selected or not,

how can i see if the chekbox is checked or not?
ans also how can i see witch droplist is checked?

hoe you can help me,
Thanks Regards, Amir
GreyHead 22 Oct, 2012
Hi Amir,

This is an old thread. Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

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