
How to Transfer License to new website, same domain

ThatComputerDude 14 Apr, 2011
I've used 2 of my licenses already and about to have to use my 3rd, all on the same domain - mainly cause I wasn't sure how to transfer it. So now I'm checking to see what I can do so I don't have to keep using my license codes for the same site.


Had a current website use ChronoForms. (1 license)
Built a new website and wanted to try the newest version of ChronoForms (2nd license)
Want to go back to using the previous version of ChronoForms. (3rd license)

We didn't upgrade our existing website, we moved it do a directory on the server and uploaded a new Joomla website.

What can I do differently in the future when updating a new website and wanting to use ChronoForms on the same domain without having to use additional licenses?

Thanks in advance!
ThatComputerDude 14 Apr, 2011
Or does your validation system keep track of it and even though I'm creating new keys, it's not really counting against my 5 License membership?
Max_admin 17 Apr, 2011

Basically same domain should be the same key, but please contact me through the "Contact Us" page and I should be able to give you more info there.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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