
Field label not updating - v4 for J1.6

momentis 13 Apr, 2011
Just getting into using CF on a Joomla 1.6 site, and I am running:

Joomla 1.6.1
CF v4.0RC1.7

I am using the Form Wizard to create a form. When I add, for instance, a Text Box to my form, i go into the properties for that field and change the Label Text and save. When the popup closes and I am back in the Forms Wizard, the label does not show as updated. Only after saving the form do I see the change.

Not a big deal, I know!!
momentis 13 Apr, 2011
Other properties do seem to be updating (Drop Down list items, Checkbox Group items, etc)
GreyHead 13 Apr, 2011
Hi Rick,

I see the same thing . . . not sure how helpful that is. I haven't yet plucked up my courage to look under the covers and see how the Wizard works.

momentis 13 Apr, 2011
Thanks, Bob! I also cannot see how to add just a heading, like in the older version. Oh well, I will bang around on this.

GreyHead 13 Apr, 2011
Hi Rick,

I think that the Custom Element is the all-purpose 'almost everything else' box.

Max_admin 15 Apr, 2011
Yes, you may enter anything in a custom element, and enabling the "Pure code" setting will just output whatever you have without any accessory code.
<h1>MY HEADING 1 TEXT</h1>

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
momentis 15 Apr, 2011
Thanks Bob and Max!!
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