
SAVE Tables connected - J1.6 &CF V4

gerhardt 12 Apr, 2011
I am a newbee with ChronoForms. Obviously, the documentation don´t fit to version 4

I fail already while creating the first test form. > Just one field and a submit button< The db table is created, I also able to select the table in the "Forms Manager" with the drop-down list in "Tables connected" (jos_cfronoforms_data_testform1). But I can not save it?
Where can I do that?

I also tried the event "on submit" in Edit Easy Mode. Add "DB save" the setting Table = jos_cfronoforms_data_testform1. Here I can save it. But it doesn´t work.
What went wrong?
Many THX
GreyHead 13 Apr, 2011
Hi Gerhardt,

The DB Save action is the right way to do this. I don't know why it doesn't work for you. Maybe the configuration isn't correct.

If you check the ChronoForms V4 forum you will find more posts about DB Save that might help you.

gerhardt 02 May, 2011
Sorry, as it seems I can not solve the problem.
There must be a littel mistake.
It is just one Form with only one field an a submit button.

Here you can see the settings:
THX for any help.
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi gerhardt,

I just made a copy of your form from the PDF and it appears to save OK.

Have you found a solution?

gerhardt 04 May, 2011
No unfortunately not.
It would be nice if check out the original installation.
GreyHead 04 May, 2011
Hi gerhardt,

I replied to your PM. Looks to me as though it is saving OK.

gerhardt 06 May, 2011
Ok I see you've done it.
But how?

I go to the site (frontend)
I enter a text in the box
I press Submit
But nothing happens :-(

How did you do this in the frontend?

I know - i place myself in stupid - sorry
GreyHead 06 May, 2011
Hi gerhardt,

Nothing special - I just added more records in using FireFox, IE8 & IE9 all seem to work OK.

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