I have v4 loaded on a live site running Joomla! 1.5.23. The form is supposed to allow people to fill out their details and attach a video that will upload to the server and be stored there. I want their details to email to an admin along with the name of the video file they uploaded. I'm finding the following issues:
1. the CAPTCHA must have and entry, but I don't have to type the correct code for the form to send;
2. the email sends, but the video doesn't upload;
3. I don't know how to get the uploaded video file name to display in the email;
I don't see what I'm doing wrong on these issues. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi Dan,
The answers to all these questions have been posted in the forums here in the last week or two.
Sounds as though you don't have a Check Captcha action, or if you do then it hasn't got an OnFail Event Loop action set; or it's not at the beginnign of the OnSubmit Event sequence.
Sounds like you haven't added the upload input name to the Attchements box in the Email configuration.
Sounds like you don't have the upload input name in the Email template.[/list:o]
Hard to say more without more information about the configuration you have used.
Hi Bob,
1. Yes, I have a CAPTCHA check action and it is at the beginning of the OnSubmit Event sequence. I don't understand how to set up an OnSuccess or OnFail action. I see those fields in the Check CAPTHCA event, but I don't see any way to put anything there and I wouldn't know what to put there even if I could. How do you set up an OnFail Event Loop in the Wizard?
2. I don't see an upload input name? Where do I find that?
3. Same as number 2.
I can PM you login info if that would be helpful.
Hi Dan,
Please try dragging an Event Loop action into the pink OnFail box, that's all. The default configuration should be fine.,
Ahh, cool. That worked.
Now, where do I find the upload input name?
Hi fullfusion,
Click the preview tab, then the spanner icon on the File Upload element.
Are you referring to what's labeled the "field name"? If so, I've already added that to the Email "Attachments Fields Name". Again, I want to upload the file and have it stored on the server, but I want the file name to be included in the email that the admin gets.
Hi Dan,
To get the file name in the Email Template I think that it will work if you add the input name e.g. {file_input_7}. To save it you need to have the Upload Files action configured. I think that there were some bugs in some versions so you should update to CFv7 and check the Bugs post here for any recent fixes.
Hi Bob,
I have the input name, which is "file-upload", in the email template. I have the Upload Files action configured and I'm running CFv4RC1.7. What am I missing?
Hi Dan,
It may be the dash in the name.
Dashes give ChronoForms and MySQL problems. Please rename the input using only [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] or underscore '_'. No dashes, spaces or other special characters.
I replaced all dashes with underscores and I changed the directory where the file is supposed to upload to to the default. It still isn't working. Any other ideas?
Hi Dan,
By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.
Hi Dan,
It appears to be working.
I removed the 'Show Form' action (I'm not sure what that is but Dhoe HTML is the one you need there).
and I corrected the file name to file_url in the Upload Files action (that one had slipped though the edits).
I also added -png to the file types and a Debugger action to help test. Take those out when you are ready.
It's alive! Yes, thank you Bob! So I just removed the field name from the attachment in the email action and now it's doing what I wanted to, which is uploading the file to the server and referencing that file name in the email, but not attaching the file to the email.
Can you tell me or point me at something that would explain how to have an action that makes sure my email and confirm email fields match before allowing the form to submit?
Thanks again, Bob!
Hi Dan,
I'm just wrapping up before I go on a long weekend trip first thing tomorrow. I'm pretty certain that Max has posted the answer to this in these forums.
Ok Bob. Have a wonderful trip!