
Date Picker

atolli 11 Apr, 2011
Sorry to bother you, but I am very confused about a simple function of a form. I want to select a date field from a calendar (picking). After read lots of forums etc I am even more confused. Can you please let me know how to install such a simple function in Chronoforms? I only have one date field, filler the name in the form (date1,2 etc) and then i am lost as nothing happens (of course...haha).

Hope you can help me out quickly.

Kind Regards, Abraham
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Abraham,

Which version of ChronoForms do you have? In either case you just need to use the Wizard to drag and drop a DatePicker Element into your Form. If you need special configuration then they are alightly different.

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