
Problems with Redirect Page

tomax 10 Apr, 2011
It's my first time I enter this forum, I am Brazilian and I do not speak both English very well, I'll try to explain my problem, I bought yesterday ChronoConectivity and until then everything was working fine until I came across a problem that seems simple but I am not managed to solve.
I created three buttons at the end of my form with the names Edit, New, Delete, only when I click the delete button it deletes the form correctly redirects me more open to consultation page on the frontpage and this is not what I want, I want it redirects to a page of my choice.
Another problem is the same as above plus the Save button on the Register, it redirects to the page that I want is for example an item with a thank you text, but the problem is that it also opens the article on the frontpage in the main -top_a no longer know what to do.
Sorry for my horrible English.


GreyHead 10 Apr, 2011
Hi Tom,

First off I guess that you bought ChronoForms not ChronoConnectivity.

I can understand why the form is doing the things you describe without seeing the code you have added to the Form. Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

tomax 11 Apr, 2011
Hello Bob,

I bought the two tools, and Chronoforms ChronoConnectivity the chronoforms is working perfectly, registering is right, the only problem is after you register it redirects to a page of thanks only to the frontpage, since the chronoconectivity when you click delete it deletes the form correctly only the current form that redirects to the frontpage and this is not what I expected.

I hope your help, thanks ...

Follow the links for you to view the forms.

Link do Form

Link Conectivity

GreyHead 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Tom

As you see the image link is broken and the ChronoConnectivity link requires a login.

Do you have a ReDirect URL st for your form? If so, what is it?

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