
problem with form Wizard

LadyK 08 Apr, 2011
i have installed with success ChronoForm but i have this problem.

when i try to save or to see the preview of my form in Form Wizard, it doesn't open the window pop up. It is locked in chargement.

i have used the product in other sites and it works.

By what depends?
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2011
Hi LadyK,

You probably have the MooTools Upgrade Plugin enabled. This is an optional plug-in that enables the MooTools 1.2 library on your site.

ChronoForms v3 (and many other Joomla! extensions) use the MooTools 1.1.2 library that is installed by default. The ChronoForms Wizard, and other back-end code will not run with the plugin enabled.

If you disable the plug-in then ChronoForms v3 should run correctly.

Note ChronoForms v4 requires MooTools 1.2 and need the plug-in enabled.

If you are using ChronoForms v3 and need MooTools 1.2 in the front-end of your site then there is a hack for the plug-in posted in the forums here that will enable the 1.2 library in the front-end only. However the ChronoForms validation code and some other features will not work with this version.

There's a fuller "How-to Document" here that includes fixed files that will let the front-end of ChronoForms v 3.2 work with MooTools 1.2.

jodiewere 12 May, 2011
Hi I am having the same problem, I can't save a form, drag anything into the form etc. I have System - Mootools Upgrade enabled and I am using chronoforms v4 installed. Please help
GreyHead 12 May, 2011
Hi jodiewere ,

It sounds as if the MooTools library isn't being loaded correctly :-(

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

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