
Uploaded File Not Received

darken21 08 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

My v4 form is finally working nicely in joomla 1.6. However, the uploaded file in the form is not received in the email. Including the ticked checkbox field option. Could you help? Thanks!
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

Have you set the attachments field names box in the Email configuration?

darken21 08 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

Nope, i do not know what to put there. Put the field id eg.input_file_14?

Could you advise me regarding the checkbox option not showing in email as well? Thanks.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

yes, the input name goes there.

If the checkbox has an array name (one with [] at the end) then you probably need a Handle Arrays action to covert it into a string to show in the Email template. And the entry in the template doesn't need the [].

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

I have done the file uploading part but I am still not receiving it in the email.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

I've just checked file attachment in CFv4 with Joomla! 1.5 & Joomla! 1.6 and both work OK here.

The only requirement I can see is to add the input name into the Email Setup attachments box. The Email must, of course, be after the file upload in the OnSubmit Event sequence.

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

Yes I have inserted the necessary field id into the attachments box which in my case is input_file_14

However i am still not receiving the attachment in the email. Do i have to make use of all "Email - #1" "Email - #2" "Email - #3" for this to work?
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

You can delete Email #2 & #3 if you are not using them.

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi bob,

I just realised this error message that appears after submitting the form

Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in public_html/administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/upload_files/upload_files.php on line 39

Anything you know about it? Thanks.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

Please see this post by Fredrik to fix this J 1.6 problem.

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

Thanks there is no error now. However, only the name of the attachment file is shown in the email. I can't click on it or download it.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi bob,

pmed you. thanks.
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi darken21,

Fixed, you had added curly brackets round the input name that are not needed.

darken21 09 Apr, 2011
Hi bob,

Oh.. Thank you very much bob! You saved me a lot of frustration! Thank you! Really appreciate it.
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