I know this is a very basic question, but I can't find an answer anywhere, so please humour me! 😶
I'm using ChronoForms v4 to add a contact form to my Joomla 1.5 website so I can use re-captcha - & I'm unsure why/when I should use the email feature that's offered? By which I mean, what does it do exactly, what are the benefits, & what are the disadvantages if I choose not to enable the email feature?
Thanks so much for any explanation!
If you want your form to send you an email then enable the email, if not then don't enable it, if you are using the "advanced wizard" then drag an email action in the "on Submit" event box, then configure that email action.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Thanks for your speedy response.
If I don't enable the email but post the contact form as is, & somebody submits the form - how would I get their submission? I.e., what's the alternative?
Hi munster_me,
Some of the alternatives are: save the results to a database table, add them to a Joomla! article, pass them to another site; redirect the user somewhere else with the data e.g. to PayPal or some combination of these plus sending emails.
Thanks, Bob. In that case, the emails sound like the best option for me.
So then, when I'm setting it up & have to configure the "from" & "to" sections...obviously I'd set the "to" as the email address I use most often. But what about the "from" email? Is this just the email address that I set up with my webhost? Or...?
Sorry to be daft. I've never tried to build a website before & while I've eventually figured out all my quandries up till now, I'm really feeling my novice-ness right now!
Hi munster_me ,
The From Email address should have a domain that matches the site domain but otherwise doesn't have to be a valid mailbox [email]admin@mysite.com[/email] or [email]info@mysite.com[/email] are the ones I usually use.
The From Name and Subject can be anything you like.
Ok, makes sense. Sounds like I somehow guessed correctly originally when I used the email address that I set up with my domain provider ([email]admin@mysite.com[/email]). It's a valid address but sounds like it'll be suitable.
Thanks so much for all your help, & not making me feel stupid!🙂