
no form data in email CFv4 & J1.6.1

archiehaddock 06 Apr, 2011
I have successfully used chronoforms v3 on Joomla 1.5.22 or before. My sincere compliments to the developers for this excellent extension.

But I have a really irritating problem with the new version CF4RC1.7 installed fresh on Joomla 1.6.1 just a day back. This is the only component on Joomla as I've just started out and I've prepared a form, the data which I want to be emailed to my ID. I receive the email all right, but there's no data except for the submitter's IP address. All the settings are correct. I've even created a test form exactly as shown in the tutorials But I don't get the data input in the form. Only the submitter's IP.

When I check the linked table in the form manager, it shows the data captured.

I am sure I am overlooking something really simple but please help me out.

Thanks in advance.
GreyHead 07 Apr, 2011
Hi Archie,

Have you added content to the Email template - unlike CFv3.2 there is no default template in CFv4?

archiehaddock 07 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,
Thanks for pointing that out. Sure missed the forest for the trees. Now its working like a charm.
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