
Multi Page Question

g39n22e 06 Apr, 2011
Hi, I need to make a multi page form where:
- in the first form they fill out a set of information which is working fine,
- then when a user fills out the second form, there could be two buttons on the end:
* one "Send Information" where they can submit the information they filled out
* and the other button "Next Item" where they can go to another form and continue filling out information.

I've made the forms, i'm just stuck on the how to have two buttons - one to submit and one to go to the next form.

Is there a way to do this?

Thank you
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi g39n22e,

Are you using the Multi-page plug-in ?

Is the third stage optional?

g39n22e 06 Apr, 2011
yes, with the multipage plugin and the third step is optional after the first two forms. And again the third step could have an optional next page or finish button and so on
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi g39n22e,

There isn't any 'optional step' support in the Multi-Page plug-in :-(

I think that you might be able to do it by enabling the 'Steps Navigation' and somehow detect the value of the submit button in Step 3 and redirect the user if they have selected the save option. I'm afraid that's a pretty ill-formed susggestion though.

g39n22e 06 Apr, 2011
What i need to do is create a form where a user can add information - dimensions - of carpet sizes that they want to send to a carpet cleaner store. If they have more than one carpets they will need to fill out the same form more than once and that means their personal information too. Is there a way - even without the multi page plugin - to be able after the submit button to reload the form with the information they have just filled out so they can make less corrections?

Or is there a way i can have in the first form of the multipage a field asking the user how many carpets they want to submit and depending on the answer to "open" the next forms accordingly;
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi g39n22e,

I'd have the first form save their personal info to a database table and add a random string identifier. Save the string in the user session* and then you can get that back and add it to as many subsequent carpet forms as you like and save each of those as a separate record in a second table.

Then you can use the identifier to link the personal info to the matching carpet records.


* The User session is a Joomla! data store that is linked to the current user. The info in there is accessible until the session expires - by default I think that is 15 minutes after the last activity.
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